Cow dung used as sanitary pads

cow dung used as sanitary pads
As the cost of living situation worsens, girls are being forced to use cow dung and old sheets as sanitary items.

Cow dung used as sanitary pads.

Cow dung is used as sanitary pads Zimbabwe and Uganda

As their living situation worsens, girls are being forced to use cow dung and old sheets as sanitary items. At the first-ever Menstrual Hygiene Day in Zimbabwe, women from rural areas told a shocking story about how they deal with their monthly periods. This caused a lot of outrage.

On Wednesday, the Ministry of Health held a meeting at Seke communal lands. Women of all ages and social classes were invited to attend.

Cow dung used as sanitary pads in Zimbabwe

Women in Zimbabwe have to make due with pieces of cloth, newspapers, fresh grass, and even cow dung to absorb the flow of their monthly menstruation because sanitary products are extremely expensive and there are not enough resources available.

Cow dung used as sanitary pads in Uganda

Girls who were using things such as paper, blankets, and cow dung for period care were encountered by NGO in northern Uganda’s refugee camps. These camps house tens of thousands of refugees, the majority of whom are from Sudan.

They also issued a warning that some were being compelled to sell sexual favors in order to pay for period care for themselves or their family members.